Workin' It Wednesdays: December 2017

Do you feel busy and stressed out during the holidays?  I understand.  I sometimes do as well!  This month's topic for Workin' It Wednesday topic how to stay sane during the holidays.  I think we can use a helpful tip or reminder every now and then, right?

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Some of my easy go-to methods to stay sane are simple...

1)  Learn to say no.  You don't have to attend every event, visit every person, bake or cook for everything you do attend, or buy gifts for everyone.  We forget that people understand!  Buy instead of cook/bake.  You can explain that finances are tight so you'd prefer to invite them over for dinner or make a gift or even the smallest trinkets can be thoughtful.  And you do not have to explain what plans you do or don't have if you're feeling overwhelmed, just say no.  Take time to enjoy the holidays and not rush through them!

2)  Make lists.  Then organize your lists.  Then, make more lists.  ;)  I am actually serious.  To do lists, grocery lists, gift idea lists, purchased gift lists, budget lists, idea lists, etc. all come in handy to help you stay organized and accomplish things.

3)  Schedule down time into your schedule.  Give yourself time to recuperate!

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4)  Schedule in the things that are important to you so that you don't miss out on them in the craze of the holiday.

5) Schedule things for next year if you're too busy to fit it in this month.  Christmas gifts and celebrations can definitely still happen after Christmas day.

6)  Light a fire or turn on your fireplace DVD (again, I'm serious!) and pour yourself a warm cup of tea, coffee, or an adult libation while you look at the fire and your Christmas lights.  Let your mind and body unwind.  Christmas is a season to enjoy and reflect on Christ being born for US and not just push through with the commercial pressures of shopping.  I love everything about Christmas and love to just stop and take it all in.  Sights, lights, scents, music, ambiance, colors, presents, treats, you name it - I love it all.

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What are things that help you to stay sane during the holiday season?  Share below!

Wishing everyone a wonderful (#wine) Wednesday!  

