Easter Decorations

Hello friends!

First of all I want to acknowledge that you may have received an emailed post about Easter multiple times. I do not know what the glitch is in the system because I have double checked that I had that post scheduled to be shared on April 10th. Not April 3rd, nor again on April 5th. I’ve gotten the email twice. My hosting site shows it scheduled to be posted on the 10th. I have no idea why that is happening so I just deleted the post. SORRY! Happy Easter, anyway. =)


Today I thought I’d share our Easter decorations. I haven’t ever been big into decorating for Easter, but have slowly acquired a few things since we’ve been hosting Easter at our house the past few years. This year we will not be hosting anything because we are all having to distance ourselves, but I got out our decorations anyway. I needed something to differentiate April from March… #groundhogdayeverydayrightnow

So here’s a little tour of our Easter decor! Since I don’t have much I’ve kept it mainly to our formal living room and dining room.

I purchased some of our items from At Home last year and from AGC Boutique, and then picked up some more items from Marshall’s and TJ Maxx in February (before the pandemic hit and our lives had to shut down).

I like to add subtle hints of the holiday by keeping the colors muted (meaning matching the colors in our home) instead of the pastel colors so commonly seen. I’ve always assumed I’d load up on fun decor if ever had children, but for now I like to recognize the holiday but believe it should be focused on Christ! So, I’ve kept it simple.

Here’s some fun Easter items I loved that I found on Amazon! Since we can’t currently shop at At Home, Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, or Ross where I’d likely direct your shopping.

Do you decorate for Easter? What’s your Easter theme? Do you go with Easter or just Spring decor? I’d love to hear!

