Let’s Look: Our Christmas Card 2020

How oh how is it December already? We’re knee deep into it and I still can’t wrap my head around it.

We took our Christmas card photos on the weekend before Thanksgiving, pretty much as soon as our new tree arrived. We didn’t anticipate getting a new tree this year by any means, but once I put up our older 9 foot tree I knew I didn’t want to use it. I am not decorating our five other trees this year because we recently listed our home for sale and when I assembled our 9 foot tree I discovered that only one strand of lights worked whereas last year only one strand of lights was out.

I planned to make this ONE tree extra special since it is the only tree we’ll have so I opted to convince (ahem* coerce) the hubs to get a new one. Thankfully it’s hard for him to tell me no when it’s Christmas related and my birthday…;)

So we ordered a 9 foot flocked tree and y’all…I am OVER THE MOON in love with my new tree!

The hubby fussed a smidge about the flocking as he helped me put it together, but then I sent him on his merry way to let me fluff the tree and decorate it because I truthfully LOVE to do this task by myself. Once it was all fluffed out he said multiple times that it was “a really beautiful tree” and that he was really happy we got it. Mmmm hmmm. It’s a thing of beauty.

So, today I am going to join a monthly link up to show you our Christmas cards and thus give you a sneak peak of our Christmas decor!

The pups’ bandanas are available here!

I’m all about the matching pajamas or matching outfits for Christmas card photos. I know the hubs isn’t the biggest fan but in the end the women have the say, right? ;) Truth be told I told him I’d honor his wish to do a more formal family photo for the card after he strongly disliked our pajamas last year but Covid and life happened and we never did organize said formal photos. Thankfully when all was said and done he was happy with our matching jammies this year. #smartman

The babes did much better this year in the photos than last year, in my opinion. They didn’t fuss as much and just sort of sat there. Of course, last year we had only had Luigi & Loretta for a month so they were very new to us. This is our card from 2019. Luigi was only about 4 months old! Scraggly pup.

They surprisingly just sat there this year and let me take photos.

Christmas card outtake 2020 - 2.jpg

After tampering with the different styles a bit, this is what we went with.

Do you have a preference in outfits or styles for your holiday cards? I know everyone’s varies so widely and it is truly one of my all time favorite things to receive this time of year. I love seeing the cards and families and notes about life and changes. I usually display them until the first week of January so I can look at them over and over. Do you like Christmas cards too?

Psst: If you would like to know about my outfits you can easily follow and shop them on the LikeToKnowIt app. It’s free to you! https://liketoknow.it/rebecca_brittain

You can view previous Let’s Look posts here.

Lets-Look link up 2020.jpg