What's Up Wednesday: October 2020

*****If you’re reading this in your emails please click on the blog link itself to be taken to the site. There you will see the layout properly and not miss out on anything that cannot be displayed in the email!*****

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the land, snow is glistening. A beautiful site, so happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland.

Did you sing along with me?

BYE October! We have two weeks (or less if I can’t wait) before we take down our fall decor and OUT COMES CHRISTMAS!

oct 31 to nov 1.JPG

I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share my monthly recap of October.


What we're eating this week:

I am currently eating low carb so I am eating more diary that normal (than I should, which is ZERO), but it’s not forever. I wanted to work on my poor eating habits that started off with a little slip here or there and catapulted into eating mostly just chips every day because #quarantine. I blame that.

Anyway - I am aiming to cut my sugar addiction and I am over 3 weeks in at the moment. I ordered Easy Low-Carb Slow Cooking cook book on Amazon even though I prefer to just use Pinterest and not house up a dozen cookbooks in a cabinet. It has Keto, Paleo & low-carb recipes in it. I hope to try these recipes this week:

  • cauliflower-hash brown breakfast bake // Paleo friendly

  • deep dish cauliflower crust breakfast pizza // Paleo friendly

  • over night pumpkin pie breakfast custard // Paleo friendly

  • Thai red (or green) curry chicken soup with coconut milk // Paleo friendly

  • beef soup with cabbage // Paleo friendly

  • no-bean chili

Most of these are not automatically listed as Paleo, but have Paleo options - which I am 100000% accustomed to tweaking recipes on my own to make them Paleo at this point. ;)

Since I am working from home I am all about the slow-cooker so that when I’m done working and exercising and taking the babes outside, I don’t have to scramble to get dinner ready.

Can I get an AMEN?

What I'm reminiscing about:

My boys, Romeo & Beckett. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t. So many memories and snuggles.

Thanksgivings at Mammaw’s come to mind as well. Before she moved we had started to hold Thanksgiving at my cousin’s house, aunt & uncle’s house, or my parent’s house. But, Thanksgiving in my mind goes back to Mammaw’s house in our little three street neighborhood. I cherish those memories.

What I'm loving:

FALL! I am grateful for any (fleeting) days that we have cooler weather and/or less humidity.

I’m loving my new mustard colored shoes. I struggle to wear this color because of my skin tone but I gravitate to it just like I do to rust orange every year. When I saw these I had to have them. I would actually love to own every color, but I am a practical one when it comes to shoes. ;)

What we've been up to:

Work! I stayed busy all month working, taking care of the pups & house stuff, and blogging as much as possible while I’m sitting at my desk.

The hubs had a birthday this month and we celebrated a couple of other birthdays as well. I tried to remain low-key as much as possible (which wasn’t all that possible)…

What I'm dreading:

Not a thing!

What I'm working on:

My blog! I have had a lot of energy and ideas for the blog and now that I’m sitting at my desk more I am taking this opportunity to write. I am going back to my to-do lists from years ago and working through them and learning new things that will improve your experience (as the reader) with my site and what I share. I’m hoping you all continue to share my content with others so I can continue to grow. Sharing is caring!

I’m working VERY hard to take better photos for you all. An when I mean very hard, I do mean VERY, very hard. HA! It’s a lot of work!

What I'm excited about:

I turn a whopping 3-8 this coming month and I am excited about it. I don’t know why I am other than I feel like I’m on the rebound after a few extra tough years with my health and while I’m still a slow-poke turtle on the fitness front, I am also accepting my body more and more for what it is. #recoveringperfectionist

Decorating for Christmas!!!!!!!!!! I wait for this all.year.long. I take my time. I decorate by myself. I drink champagne (low-carb who?). I listen to Christmas music. I put on Christmas movies. And if the temperatures outside allow it, I will put on the fireplace. If the temperatures do not allow it, I will put on a digital fireplace on the TV. =) I usually decorate the weekend of my birthday, but it can vary year to year.

nov 1st allowed to talk about christmas.JPG

What I'm watching/reading:

Watching: Hallmark Christmas movies, of course.

Reading: I started this book called Autumn for when I’m on the treadmill.

What I'm listening to:

Currently: Hallmark Christmas movies in the background.

Pandora stations: I typically work in silence during the day, but if I turn on music then it’s Christmas music all the way. It’s just time.

christmas music everywhere.JPG

What I'm wearing:

NEW: You can now follow along with my outfits and other home shopping suggestions by clicking here! Liketoknow.It is a free site and/or app on the phone you can use to follow people and easily shop their outfits. You can screenshot something and it will automatically send you an email with the linked products (it doesn’t get any easier than that!), or you can go directly to the app to the people you follow and check out what was recently shared on there.

Of course, everything will make its way onto the blog first/eventually. ;)

Remember how I said it’s been a busy month? I have shared quite a bit this month in previous posts.

My key takeaways from the month on items that are a must:

If you have any questions about anything else you see, you can either search the blog site using the search feature at the top right of the screen OR look at it on LiketoKnow.It OR email me. =)

What I'm doing this weekend:

It’s Halloween time! This weekend we will be handing out candy to any trick-or-treaters that we have. If you missed my post earlier this month - I built a candy slide out of PVC pipe so that we could give candy to trick or treaters from a safe distance. If you go to that post you can Pin it or print out the instructions for next year. =)

Other than that it will be a quiet weekend and I am beyond excited to have a quiet Sunday at home. Welcome, November.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

We’re attending the Houston Fire Department’s Annual Red Hot Gala on the 14th. While the set up will be quite different, I am looking forward to getting dolled up…with a mask.

I’m hosting a NORWEX demonstration on the 15th! If you’re interested in learning about NON-TOXIC, CHEMICAL FREE cleaning methods, house hold items, personal items, skin care, etc. let me know and you can join in on the 3-day event. It’s lots of fun and there will be drawings, freebies, and gift guides that will help make Christmas shopping EASY and fun!

Click on the images below to view larger. *Prices subject to change*

My birthday is the 16th!

Friendsgiving on the 21st

Thanksgiving on the 26th.

I love this month!!!

What else is new:

That’s it for now!

How have you been this month of September? Anything fun and new happening for you? Have you decorated yet???

Wishing you all a wonderful remainder of the week! I’ll see you back here on Friday. =)

