My Chosen Word for the Year

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Happy New Year, Friends.

We made it to the coveted 2021 and I suspect that many of you are quite like me in understanding that the date change didn’t erase 2020.

So what do we do next? I will be honest in admitting that I am struggling to sound enthusiastic in this moment as I’m writing this but I also know that emotions affect optimism and optimism affects goals and enthusiasm for said goals. How do we overcome these moments and push forward into this new year?


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This was the first word that came to my mind when I saw something that said we should choose a word for the year ahead.


Merriam-Webster’s definition of resilience is: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. Oxford Language’s definition of resilience is: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.’s definition of resilience is: the ability of a person to adjust to or recover readily from illness, adversity, major life changes, etc.

Do you see why that word came to my mind as my chosen word?



2020 had many highs and many, many lows. I think what we all desperately want for 2021 is to rebound in hope, in prosperity, in faith, in security, in safety, in health, in happiness, and in unity. Wouldn’t you agree?

How do we get there though? Many things from 2020 will not just disappear now that we’ve entered into 2021. We have to take ownership of the things that we can control in our lives. We have to let go and let God in the things that we cannot control in our lives. And we need a lot of prayer and wisdom to know the difference. Right?

To move forward in faith and not doubt is the key to our new year. To move forward through grief and with grief and not be stuck in grief is the key to our new year. To aspire for health and fitness and not settle for illnesses or diet plans is the key to our new year. To work hard in all things and not give up on anything is the key to our new year.


Characteristics of Resilient People

  • Sense of Control.

  • Problem-Solving Skills.

  • Strong Social Connections.

  • Identifying as a Survivor.

  • Being Able to Ask for Help.

Seven Skills of Resilience

  • Principle 1: Cultivate a Belief in Your Ability to Cope.

  • Principle 2: Stay Connected With Sources of Support.

  • Principle 3: Talk About What You're Going Through.

  • Principle 4: Be Helpful to Others.

  • Principle 5: Activate Positive Emotion.

  • Principle 6: Cultivate an Attitude of Survivorship.

  • Principle 7: Seek Meaning.

I’m feeling this strongly. I may not be an expert in the act of being resilient, but I am claiming this word for my year. I think it sums up what I want for myself this year and what I hope for for everyone else.

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What about you? If you had to pick one word for your year what would it be and why?

Wishing you all a great Monday, back to reality at the start of this new year.

