Let’s Look: The Perfect Night In

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Happy Wednesday, y’all.

The days are getting warmer and the nights are chilly. This is a wonderful time of year, isn’t it? Day light savings is on Sunday too so we’ll start having more sunlight. Hooray!

I’m linking up today to discuss the perfect night in. I almost didn’t want to join in this month as I think my idea of the perfect night in has likely been surmised through my years of posts, but then I thought about our recent experience without power for 28 hours + 8 hours and how we fared without the modern “conveniences” of television and internet.

So, without further adieu…


The perfect night in for me would begin with a glass of wine and cheese around 5 or 6pm. This is the perfect way to unwind and connect while keeping your dinner appetite at bay.

Wine meme.JPG

I would then take a nice bubble bath without disruption and a glass of wine and a good book while the hubs cooks dinner or orders dinner.

I could eat whatever I wanted without dietary concerns because hey - this is my dream world, right? So we’ll go with cheese enchiladas, a truffled twice baked potato, and a Greek salad followed by a gluten free brownie and ice cream for dinner.

A girl can dream.

After the hubs cleans up the kitchen (OK, OK, I’ll help him too) we move over to the den to sit in front of the lit fire place and play a game while drinking more wine. Playing games are great for friendly competition while also allowing for conversation. Some of my favorites for two players are:

If we didn’t play a game, then I would opt for my Good Housekeeping magazine, a book, or conversation. I enjoyed the focused time we had while without electricity.

As the evening progresses we would get ready for bed around 10-10:30pm with the pups and maybe watch a re-run of Seinfeld or Friends before turning in for the night. (If the hubs had a say we’d have to watch the 10 o’clock news because everything revolves around that for him. 😁)

I can’t get to sleep without this right here and it can be used WITH batteries if your power is out or if you’re traveling!!!

Let's Look 2021 schedule.png

What would be your perfect night in?

Wishing you all a wonderful day!