Amazon Lately - Helpful Holiday Home Items

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Good Morning, friends.

Today I’m sharing with you some recent Amazon finds that have made me very happy. These are items for the home and I also think some could be given as a gift because these were definitely a gift to myself. 😂

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These are NOT listed in any particular order of importance.

Wireless Remote Control - Outlet Switch

I cannot express enough how excited I was about these when they arrived. They have simplified our morning and night routine turning on / off all of the Christmas trees and lights throughout the house. I had some of the step on cords for the trees but was still having to plug in (or out) the lights on the mirrors or garlands. Now, I pick up the remote and tap tap tap. Done done done.

I went ahead and ordered more for guest rooms and it’s perfect for the tree, garland, and bathroom lights.

There are versions with 5 outlets available, but I ordered the version with three.

I’ve also ordered these to add to stockings (if the box will fit, otherwise I’ll wrap them). The recipient may look at you funny until they use it and then they will definitely start gifting them too. HA!

After the holidays - just think how great this will be because I can pause and hit a button to turn on side lamps in the rooms. GENIUS.

Rechargeable night Lights

Y’all. It’s the little things.

Our stairway to the third floor doesn’t have lights along the steps and the light switch for the main area on the 3rd floor is by the staircase. It’s sort of funky footing if you ask me because one inch the wrong way and you’d miss the first step DOWN when trying to reach for the light switch. It worries me, especially when we have guests up there.

These night lights charge by USB-C. You stick the sticker thing on the wall, then stick the flat magnetic pad to the sticker, then the nightlight attaches to that by magnet. The sticky strips should* pull off the wall seamlessly like a 3mm strip would. So, I added them along the stairway and set it to “auto” so that it won’t turn on unless it detects motion. I also added two of them to the 3rd floor guestroom.

Coffee Carafe Dispenser -

May seem like a silly add on here, but I found this one super helpful. I purchased one last year before something we were hosting and purchased another one this year to use for iced tea. So, for example right before our Thanksgiving gathering started, we brewed two pots of coffee and poured it in one of the carafes. Then I poured the cold tea from the pitcher in the fridge to the other carafe to keep it cold. This allowed us to set these out with signs in the “libation station” and not have to contend with getting in and out of the refrigerator nor brewing coffee during the gathering.

indoor / outdoor portable fire pit

I saw someone post this and decided to order it and give it a try. I would love to use this inside on our counters and can envision it creating a cozy ambiance. Currently for the holidays though, I have placed it on our back patio table. I do not want to risk using it while we have little ones coming and going during this season.

ANYWAY, it is lovely! It burns ethanol fuel and is smokeless. The paperwork says that the max fill line should burn about an hour, but I haven’t tried it that long yet. When the weather is appropriate it will be nice to light it and sit on the patio.

It comes in small (which is what I have) and large.

Norfolk Pine Branches

These branches didn’t seem like much when I opened the box, but after fluffing them a tiny bit and adding them to a vas that I already owned, I REALLY liked them! Even my horticulturalist / botanist sister commented on it and asked where I got it. 😏 It looks real!

Christmas Sheets

Y’all, I don’t know why I waited so many years to buy Christmas sheets. Actually, I do know why. When I looked in the past, it seemed like all Christmas sheets were flannel. It’s too warm here in Houston on any given day to use flannel sheets. And when I’d see microfiber I guess I assumed they’d be thick and warm.

Well, after putting our Christmas Vacation sheets on the bed (finally), I loved it so much I decided I needed to look for some again but not at the Pottery Barn price point since it would be for rarely used guest rooms.

I AM SO HAPPY with these sheets. I chose patterns I liked that weren’t too loud (bright, clashing colors to the room decor, or more for children).

The Battery Daddy

I know I keep mentioning this thing. But, it deserves to be mentioned again because I literally pull it out more often than not right now and I still love this thing. It’s helpful. It’s organized. It’s compact.

This sums it up for the HELPFUL Amazon items I’ve ordered recently. There’s plenty of other Amazon items I could share, but wanted to focus on these because I’ve literally been swooning. When I showed my sister the remote outlet she was intrigued and said I needed to share it with y’all. 😍 What are some items you’ve purchased recently that are helpful around your home? Comment below!


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