New Year's Resolutions for 2024

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Hello friends,

It’s “new year new me” time and while I tend to forget any and all resolutions and goals I make throughout the year, I try to make some with hopes of accomplishing them. I am realistic and old enough to know that it takes time to create a habit, it takes new habits to change old habits, and consistency to achieve that. So the “new year - new me” mentality is a SHAM! Lol. It’s same old me with hopes to baby step it to a little bit better of a version of me. What are your thoughts on that?

Before we move on, make sure to pin this to Pinterest to save it for later!

For 2023, my goal was survival and travel.

I did survive. Barely. But, I did it. Between grieving, moving, renovations, renovations, and renovations I didn’t have any down time. I did take 15 trips in various forms which accomplished my goal to take at least one trip per month except for November and December because I knew it would be too hectic to layer in travel.

For 2022, my goal was health, weight loss, fitness, and grieving the losses and trauma I experienced in 2021. I did OK on that front as I titrated off of anti-depressants and did a few rounds of the Prolon fast to help boost my metabolism. The antidepressants had caused me to gain A LOT of pounds. I was miserable. So, while I should still be taking them to this day, I will not risk the weight gain again. NOPE. No, thank you.

So this year…what will this year’s goals be? Have you considered yours?

This is (all) I have come up with so far…


  • complete the Aramco Half Marathon on January 14th (soon!)

  • continue running at least nine miles once a week, with shorter runs in between

  • strength train 3-5 times a week, even if only a 15 minute class

  • plan a trip based on a beautiful location for a half marathon

  • clean and organize the house one room at a time (maybe 1 or 2 rooms per week) top down including wiping down the walls from construction dust, baseboards, fans, etc. and donate anything we do not need.

  • paint my office

  • complete 2-3 rounds of the Prolon fast

I am sure more ideas will come to my mind, but for now that is all I have jotted down. I think the less my goals are spread around in various topics the more likely I will complete them. 😂 So I don’t mind that my goals are simple, short, and sweet.

What are some goals you’ve set for 2024? Do you have a specific focus or many areas of focus? Comment below!