Things to Do on a Rainy Day

Good Morning, friends.

How was your weekend? I hope it was nice and relaxing for you.

We’ve had quite a few rainy days this past month and well, April showers bring May flowers right? 😉 I love rainy days. I love the darkness. I love the rain. I love the thunder. I love the ambiance. I light a candle and / or the fireplace. Rainy days are my absolute favorite.

On one of the recent rainy days I was going about my usual to-do lists and shuffling between laundry, exercise, working on my computer, tending to the pups, etc. and I thought - what would I do today if I didn’t have anything to do? Grant it, it never happens that I have nothing I need to get done, but IF I had a day with nothing on my to-do list - what would I do? So I jotted down this blog post idea and plan to figure it out while I’m drafting this for you to read.

Let’s take a look…

I will provide two lists of ideas: one for a relaxing (fun) rainy day and one for a productive rainy day because I tend to never just sit and veg out…a byproduct of my dad’s instructions when we were at the flower shop after school or on weekends. If we finished everything on our to-do list he said to do it again. We couldn’t just sit there. We had to be productive. Reason #537 as to why I am the way I am. HA!

Moving on…


1) Read a book or visit the library.

2) Watch movies that you’ve never seen or a TV series.

3) Do a puzzle.

4) Play board games or card games.

5) Write old fashioned letters or make cards for someone (who doesn’t like receiving mail?).

6) Try a DIY craft.

7) Go to the movies - hello buttered popcorn!

8) Visit a museum.

9) Go roller skating or bowling.

10) Put on a hat and any waterproof shoes and go walk (play) in the rain (if it’s not lightening and it’s safe that is).


1) Organize the junk closet.

2) Organize the box of old photos.

3) Clear out and organize emails into folders.

4) Try on the clothes you haven’t worn in a long time and decide if you want to keep or donate them.

5) Organize your books in alphabetical order and by author, and also start a donation pile for any books you do not care to really keep.

6) Review paper files and shred anything that’s no longer necessary to save.

7) Clean out and organize your desk drawers.

8) Clean out your dresser drawers - throw out anything worn out and donate things no longer used.

9) Do the random tasks that you keep putting off like getting a stain out of something, sewing a button, hanging that painting, or touching up the baseboards.

10) Go through old boxes of letters and cards and discard any you no longer care to save.

As I came up with the suggested productive things to do list it occurred to me that these are things I need to do or have done recently. Moving four times in the past seven years has given me the opportunity to reduce clutter.

What are some things you might do on a rainy day? Comment below!

