Friday Favorites - March 20th, 2020

Hello weekend! For some of us, it has felt like the weekend all week long already.

Somehow it can feel a bit harder to stay home when you have to versus how we fantasize about it on our busier/more stressful days at work when all we want to do is stay home. Of course, this is more than just a day or two…but, it is an excellent opportunity to do many things including reflect on being grateful.

I will therefore call this post, the uplifting edition. It’s just thoughts.

Favorite #1


This is a scary time. This is a trying time. This is a dangerous time for our economy, lives, health, and jobs. I feel like all that I am hearing is negative, negative, negative, and it makes me turn inward and PRAY.

I don’t like negativity in general and while I succumb to reality at times, I do try very hard to find something positive to think and say to others. Today, after listening to my hubs list off all of the reasons he was worried for the world, our country, his friends, and ourselves I had to just slip away and pray to God.

GOD. My God. Praise God. I prayed with thanks to Him. If I have nothing else, I have Jesus and that is all I need. That is something to be grateful for.

I have my current health (to be determined if I become a statistic), I have the ability to help my family and friends, I have faith that this pandemic will slow down and our economy and lives will get back to what it was. Will it be overnight? No. But, will it happen? Yes. I just pray everyone quickly becomes wise stewards of their finances, pray to God about everything, and take the proper precautions to protect your family and your health.

This song says it all. Let this lift you up during this stressful time.

Favorite #2


Y’all. I grew up cleaning our house before school, coming home from slumber parties at 8am to clean on a Saturday, and cleaning my parent’s flower shop or Mammaw’s house if our house was finished being cleaned. It’s in my blood and I love the satisfaction of accomplishment afterwards.

That being said, I have been fortunate enough to have a cleaning lady regularly ever since I had foot surgery in 2018 and couldn’t be on my feet. It definitely helped my hectic lifestyle because just vacuuming our house can take TWO hours alone. =/

Well, since I have had to clear my schedule and our cleaning lady needed to stay home with her kids this week I dove into cleaning our house and it felt so good. I finally used all of my Norwex products and whizzed through the house cleaning and disinfecting with WATER. Yes, you read that correctly.

It was glorious and three house later I had finished enough of the downstairs that I decided to call it a day. It was amazing to dust and not see it fly up into the air only to land again on the same surface, wipe down my mirrors streak free with water only, and disinfect my kitchen with the Enviro cloth and water. Tomorrow I’ll do a light cleaning of the upstairs.

As I cleaned I eyeballed the blinds, baseboards, air vents, etc. taking note of any deep spring cleaning needed. You can read about my spring cleaning ideas here!

Have you done any spring cleaning yet? Plan to? It’s a great time to clear out all of those cluttered areas in your home and garage. You can check out my Pinterest for organization & decor here.

Do you like to live super cleanly and chemical free? Well…check out Norwex then. You won’t regret it.


Anyway, since most of us have extra time at home right now it’s the perfect time to do a deep cleaning and organizing of the house. Dig out old and unused items to donate. Dust the top shelves of the closet. Give away mismatched dishes that you don’t use and lids that don’t fit anything. Donate clothes you can’t fathom to put on again. There are so many people in need all year long and that may increase during this time. Why not share those items that you’re not using?

One of my favorite places to give is to Amazing Grace Charities or to Amazing Grace Boutique. Maria has a heart of solid gold and I’ve now known her for 11 years. What she cannot sell at the boutique will stay in storage until she has a recipient she can give it to (think people who lost everything to a house fire, poverty, flooding, etc.). The income from the boutique goes back into the charity side to give to those in need too. Even partially used shampoos and soaps can be used for shelters or people on the streets with nothing. Don’t throw those away! We can all help each other.

I’ve shared my love for AGC on a blog post before here.

Favorite #3

Memory making and quality time with the family.

This is it y’all. The time has finally come where (most of us) have a extended amount of time with the family at home. This is the stuff we pay to go on vacations to have. Why not enjoy it and make the best of it?

Yes, it may be easier for me to say when I don’t have kids at home so let me preface this with the acknowledgement that that is definitely more energy consuming even though full of love. I have some at home activity ideas for kids here!

wine time.JPG

So here we are with down time.

This is perfect! Create a “schedule” to loosely follow (or strictly follow if you prefer) and balance out the to-do’s with the “we’ve always wanted to do this together” and make memories!

Put down your phones! Yes, takes pics when something merits it. Otherwise, put aside the depressing news and social media for a few hours and just be together.

Play those board games that collect dust in your closet. Play those card games you used to love playing while drinking. Go for long walks or runs with your loved ones. Sit outside in this spring weather and enjoy it while it briefly lasts. Get that vitamin D and let your bodies warm up to the point it makes sense to jump into the cold pool (like I did on Sunday!). Break out the water hose or sprinkler for the kids (we used to make Slip-n-Slides using garbage sacks as kids!) Watch the shows you’ve wanted to watch. The time is now to appreciate the OPPORTUNITY to do these things we typically wish we could do Monday through Friday while stuck at work.

Oh yeah…and make the phone calls and Skype/FaceTimes so you can see your favorite people while “social distancing”.

PS - this is a great time to get into a healthier habit that will continue when your schedule resumes.

Favorite #4


While it may not seem like it, this is the best time to have date nights. You don’t necessarily have to get dolled up. If you have kids you can put them to bed and stay up later. Share dinner after the kids are asleep with wine/beer/cocktail of choice by candlelight and a Pandora station that reflect the mood or meal. speak to each other uninterrupted. Take a hot bath by candlelight. Enjoy the hot tub you rarely use. Just BE together.

I have always found that dinner at home by candlelight is better than being out (aside from the cooking and cleaning of it) because there are no distractions or interruptions.

Just think about it…we tend to forget we can create a retreat right at home.

Favorite #5

Organize and prioritize your life.

If you have time to reflect and think, think about ways you want your year to change and be different. Are you on track to accomplish your New Year’s resolutions? If not, re-evaluate what changes you need to make.

Organize your schedule and calendar.

Make a dinner menu to factor in nights at home or date nights out (when we resume normal life).

Read the books you’ve wanted to finish or start reading.

Create a work out schedule that would be before or after work, or even during your lunch break. Start it now.

Start the Bible study you’ve wanted to do or the devotional you haven’t started yet and catch up to today’s date.

Get ready for Easter!

Start the garden or update your yard like you’ve wanted to.

These are just ideas to take advantage of the extra time at home that we have without being able to socialize currently.

Favorite #6

Last, but certainly not least…praise God for all of the hard workers who are trudging through every day of uncertainty for our benefit. Be it the delivery drivers, stockers, cashiers, managers, chefs, servers, call centers, HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS (including all doctors, nurses, admin, hospitals, ER, etc), our military and first responders, and our government who are working tirelessly to do the best they can for us right now. Some of us may be able to work from home which is great. Some of us may be unable to work right now which is scary. And then some of us may be direly needed at work right now for our benefit right now. We’re all in this together…Amen Amen Amen.

That’s all I have to share for Friday. I actually sat down to write another recipe post and then this happened. I guess I needed it off of my brain. I am thinking of you all, dear friends. I want everyone to be healthy and unaffected by this pandemic Corona Virus situation.

Do you have any plans for the weekend or for your extended time at home? We’d ALL love to hear your ideas! Comment below if you do!

