Friday Favorites - June 1st 2018


Say what????

It's happening.  The vortex that is a time warp that is 2018.  In 24 days from today I will, in fact, listen to Christmas least for a day anyway.  Yes.  Yes, I will.  The count down is on.  And you know what???  I have no shame in my game.  Houston's heat and mosquitoes are already maxed out more than I can handle and I pray for the day that the good Lord gives our city some relief.  Last night I took Lorenzo out to potty and I walked back in with FOURTEEN mosquito bites.  #westnile

Anyway, I am happy about the week I've had.  I'm happy to be home after my week long trip to Tennessee.  I am happy about the fun things I have planned for this weekend celebrating my closest friends: birthdays (belated b-day lunch today with Konni!), baby showers, high school graduations, and gender reveals.  God is so good.  

I'm linking up with Andrea today to share some faves from the past week(s).  I didn't think I'd even bother with posting today but last night I finally turned on my recorded Bachelorette from Monday while doing laundry and Lorenzo slept to write this.  #wheredoesthetimego?  #notimeforanything #heavenhelpme 

Favorite #1


I just love my church.  I was thrilled that we started a series called Building Successful Relationships, but of course missed last weekend's as I was in Tennessee.  However, I am excited to listen to part 2 because part 1 was EXCELLENT!

If you've followed along with me for any amount of time, then you'd know I have a passion for studying relationships and marriage so when these series come up I am thrilled.  I firmly believe with all my heart that any and all relationships can benefit from hearing biblical messages about marriage, how we're supposed to fulfill it, and what love truly is.

I am undoubtedly excited for my other church, Hope City, to begin their Love, Sex, and Marriage series again this summer.  Every summer there is a six week series on it and I have said it a thousand times...THIS Is the series that changed my life and changed my perspective on relationships.  The (now) hubs went to all of the sermons last summer and it changed HIM as well.  Praise be to the good Lord above because sometimes you can hear the same message again and again and again and it not quite resonate with you.  Then, there are times that you can listen to a message once and it change your life forever.  That's what happened to me with Pastor Jeremy Foster's message in 2014.  Be on the lookout for it!

Favorite #2

My heart rate monitor.

Y'all.  I have a super low heart rate.  Yes, I exercise but NO I am NOT an athlete.  I am not a marathon runner.  I am not a triathlete.  I am not an Ironman (woman).  Why my heart is so low, I do not know.  Because of this, what registers on my heart rate monitor versus what shows up on a treadmill/elliptical/any machine that "calculates" heart rate and calories is significantly different.

I know the machines are not accurate and I know what my heart rate and "performance" usually is for my various types of work outs.  So, after seeing my projected rate while in Knoxville (without my own monitor and knowing it was wrong) and seeing my projected rate at my gym here in Houston (with my own monitor), I thought this would be a good time to remind everyone NOT to believe that the machines say.  The treadmill/elliptical/bikes do not accurately calculate what you're burning.  They base it off your age and weight and unless you hold on to the handles the entire time, it will not truly calculate anything.

**Disclaimer - that being said, truly a heart rate monitor cannot fully calculate your burned "calories"...however, it is much more accurate that the machines.  And here's the pics to validate that.

My resting heart rate is usually 41-44 bpm (and re-confirmed twice in the past two days).  My walking rate is 70-80 bpm.  My running is 150-175 bpm depending on weather, incline, intensity of course.  The machine thought I would be much higher based on age and weight.

**There is NO way I burned 343 calories with a heart rate at 84.  I only put my hands on the heart rate handles right before I got off of the machine to prove this point.

**The machine thinks I would have burned 409 calories, but in actuality I only burned 292 while on the machine.

There's a ton of options out there varying in brands and prices.  Regardless of which you choose, I do suggest taking charge of your health and fitness goals by investing into one.

Favorite #3

Healthy food options.

The hubs and I have started Whole 30 this week and I stopped by the grocery store to stock the fridge with our usual basics after I've been away for a week.  He also had to travel this week so I found some Whole 30 friendly snacks for his flights which he regrettably forgot to take with him.  #facepalm

Anyway, I simply LOVE seeing more and more options at the grocery store for foods that I have been preparing for the past few years.  While the price points of purchasing spiralized or riced veggies are significantly overpriced versus doing it yourself, I do very much appreciate having the option to just pay more for these items and not have to wash, peel, slice, dice, and spiralize these things if I'm not in the mood.

HEB has it going on and I approve!  Plus, in the freezer section I can pick up riced cauliflower, etc.  ;)  Life is good.  

Make sure to look for options like these at your local grocery store.  It makes eating healthy easy and eliminates any excuses not to!

Favorite #4

This outfit.

I shared it on my IG stories recently.  This Ivy Jane blouse is comfortable and perfect for summer.  It's light and breezy, flow-y with a pop of contrast.  I picked it up from a western wear boutique place that I traditionally wouldn't shop in, however I went to an event there with one of my dear friends and the hosts gave everyone a hefty gift card.  Normally I wouldn't pay the prices they ask for the things they ask, but with my gift card in tow I didn't care.

I paired it with my Old Navy Rockstar distressed jeans and sandals that I later switched to heeled booties (not pictured).  I wanted to pair it with a bright colored tassel earring like my bright pink or red ones, but opted for my dark green ones because the shade of lipstick I put on clashed with other colors.  There's nothing like a little black and white to give a wide array of options for accessory colors.  #thosejeanstho  #socomfy

Ivy Jane blouse / Old Navy Jeanssandals / purse / earrings


Favorite #5

Bunnies and bicycles.

I ordered this 2-n-1 stroller/pet trailer for my bicycle before I left town and was thrilled to return home to a cleaned/spruced up bike with the trailer/stroller set up.  Well, yesterday I finally attached it to my bicycle and took Lorenzo for a little ride through the neighborhood.  How fun is this?!?!?!  Next time I may take him on a walk in the stroller itself (once we walk too far for him in this heat). ;)

How was your week?  Anything stand out as a favorite for you?  I'm hoping everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend and thus a great short work week!

