Let’s Look: My Bedside Table

Welcome back from the holidays everyone! I hope you had a wonderful New Year’s celebration and are ready to tackle 2020. I know I am!

I’m keeping up with last year’s link party to share something monthly and this month it’s about our bedside tables. Random, I know…but I found it fascinating to see what other people have and decided to share mine (a day late and very last minute).

So here we go!


My nightstand is from Pottery Barn and I have yet to actually take the time to “decorate” the shelves. The hub’s side is decorated because you can see his from outside of the room.


I have a couple of decorative books and a faux floral arrangement because faux plants and flowers are my thing. I can’t keep plants alive. It’s a real problem. I keep my dry brush and some lotion next to the bed for obvious reasons, but seriously…the dry brush feels so good all over the body!

I have this beautiful pottery dish my friend Emily P. brought me back from a trip (I believe from Greece but can’t remember now 😬). Inside of it is the remnants of a beautiful bracelet Emily P. also gifted me from our trip to San Miguel de Allende. I loved it and when the strap broke I gathered as many pieces of it as I could and plan to one day put it back together.


I always keep the current book(s) I’m reading next to the bed as well, even if I don’t read them in bed or don’t have an opportunity to pick them up for a while.  

I’m currently reading:  It’s Not Supposed to be This Way and I’m Not a broken which is more of a journaling experience so I haven’t had time to work through it yet.  I’ve set my mind that this year will be a monumental year of healing for me and I’m determined to examine every aspect of hurts that ruminate within me from my past. God is good and Jesus heals our hearts, but we have to want it and be ready to accept it. Sometimes that journey is daunting and is cast aside or numbed out, but it shouldn’t become our identity.  


I keep a picture next to my bed and it has changed over the years but for while it has been a picture of my Mammaw holding our bunny puppy, Lorenzo. I smile every time I look at this photo because it warms my heart.  Water is kept always for necessity. 


My “undecorated” shelves below have a cute Just Married box my aunt gave me that holds some odds and ends pertaining to our wedding.  Below it is a few books I’ve started but not yet quite finished.  The Path Forward - Surviving the Narcissist and The Hashimoto's Healing Diet.  I haven’t started the Joseph Prince book Eat Your Way to Life and Health that my Granny gave me. 

Kleenex is always kept for necessity. 

And that’s it!  What things do you keep in your side table?  Do you have clothes in there?  Books?  Music?  Meds?  Anything interestin?

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead. I’m signing off for the weekend because I literally just landed in Miami and set sail on a short cruise with some of my family to celebrate my cousin’s birthday. I have some favorites to share soon…when I get a chance to write another post. Please excuse any extra typos or grammar errors as I’ve drafted this in air.