Amazon Gift Guide for Teens & Tweens

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Hi friends!

It’s Thanksgiving week! Are you ready for the holiday? I’m excited to see/hear what everyone did with their families and how you celebrated this year. Our Thanksgiving will be significantly different than ever before. =(

I’m kicking the gift guides into high gear now that we’re into Black Friday week - Cyber Monday- Christmas countdown. Though, most retailers have been touting “Black Friday sales” since October…

Today I’m sharing a gift guide for tweens and teens! I really like the idea of the four gifts: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. I think I’ve selected stuff from each one below!

Gift Guide for teens and tween pinterest.png

Pro tip - right click on any of the links below and select open in new window so you don’t lose this page.

For the tech-loving, movie watching, game playing teens:

For the cell phone using teens:

For the picture takers:

For the groovy rooms:

For the too cool for school:

For the drivers:

For the necklace wearers:

For the get togethers & sleep overs:

For the readers:

For the teens who are always cold in school:

For the nights at home:

For the teens who just want cash:

I didn’t even know where to begin with subscription boxes for tweens and teens but here is a list of 27 subscription services for them that are really neat! Click here.

What are your tweens and teens into? I struggle to suggest video games or movies because I think everyone is already on his/her phone/computer/TV too much instead of spending real time with friends. Do you encourage your kids to connect in person with their friends instead of texting or social media? I’m curious!

I decided to stick with Amazon because it’s so easy to order and to return if you need to. Gotta love that. ;) What’s on your teen or tween’s wish list this year?


Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you use them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission at no cost to you.
