Four Year Anniversary!

Whoa! FOUR years blogging as of today. Can you believe it? I cannot.

317 blog posts shared to date. Umpteen hours spent writing and creating. Countless social media posts and pictures taken. That is some serious work! ;)

But, in all seriousness I have enjoyed sharing my life and thoughts with you.

There have been many, many moments of doubt and drought in my thoughts, my desire to continue writing, and my energy to invest in my sweet little ol’ blog. Yet, somehow HERE I AM.

I was actually convinced I would let the blog go this year after spending so many months with little to no time to sit at my desk. Then, God acts in His mysterious ways and I am sitting at my desk more and enthusiastic to share things with you all again (it doesn’t hurt that it’s fall!). While my blog will forever be growing and changing, I just never know when I may run out of things to share. I never want to write insincerely, so I tend back away when my heart isn’t in it.

But, HERE I AM. Four years. FOUR. 317 posts.

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I thank each and every one of you for believing in me and hanging on to hear what I may say next. I love you all and wouldn’t feel inspired without you.

As I continue along, I would love for you all to share my page with someone you know. It surprises me to see what hits the most when I get the analytics back each month and it confirms to me that some people out there on the web need some of the things I have shared. I know I haven’t shared new recipes in a while nor self-help/marriage book reviews in a long time, but those are the primary things people find from my site using their web browsers and Pinterest. Glory be to God! If it helps someone, then my desire has been fulfilled.

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If you’re new here you can click on these links to find out a little bit about myself and why Every Piece Fits was the perfect name for my blog. Always feel free to email me with any questions you may have!

Cheers to however many more blog posts to come this year ahead and to however many more years I continue to share my life and thoughts with you. Every Piece Fits is and has been an outlet for me, as I hope it is for you too.

This time last year I was in Vancouver and this weekend I will be headed to Napa for a girl’s trip. 2020 has been a lot of things, but favorable for travel has not been one of them. So, I am excited to begin new adventures once again.

Cheers, many thanks, and with utmost love & sincerity,

