5 Things All Small Dog Owners Should Have

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If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times, I am a crazy dog mom! I have no shame in it either. I love our pets like they’re children and as I’ve gotten older I’ve enjoyed spoiling them more and more (just use the search feature at the top right to search puppy or dog and you’ll see what I mean!).

We were walking our pups in their stroller recently when it came to mind that I should share with you all the things I use and love for small dogs. A few of these things would be good for bigger pups too, though!

5 THINGS all small dog owners should have (1).png

1) 2-in-1 Pet Stroller and Trailer

This is actually good for medium to larger dogs as well. All three of our pups ride in the stroller when we take them for walks and they LOVE it. The front has a plastic cover that you can zip to protect them from wind or rain, or keep it rolled up and only use the net cover on a nice day. The top zips and unzips as well so if it’s very sunny or rainy you can close the top. It easily converts from a stroller to a bike trailer too! Our babes love it. It is light and easy to run with as well as to bike with. 🤍 We use this multiple times a week and they race out the door to get into it.

2) Wicker Bicycle Basket for Dogs and Cats

I used this bike basket for Lorenzo before we had Loretta and Luigi and even now when we go on a bike ride I put Lorenzo in the front and the other two in the back. He is secured and feels close to me while he LOVES the wind in his face. It has a detachable cover that can help block the sunlight.

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3) Adjustable Pet Carrier - front carrier or back carrier

This was my favorite thing to use when Lorenzo was little and I’d take him shopping with me or to the vet in this. He never complained and just sat comfortably while I loved on his little tootsies. As he grew I had to order the medium sized one.

4) Pet Stairs

We have these extra large foldable steps for our bed that is higher, these 3 tier high density stairs for our couch downstairs, and these step comfort stairs in X-Small for our couch upstairs. There’s different size and color options for each one.

5) Pet Playpen

This thing has been a lifesaver. It’s about 5 feet in diameter when you use every panel, but you can choose how many panels to use for the size and shape that you want the playpen to be. The connecting rods slide in and out easily so it’s fast and easy to set up or move. We chose to get this larger one to give the babes plenty of space while we’re away but also needed it tall enough that Luigi couldn’t bounce right over it (the boy can jump!). Ours is white.

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