Fall and Halloween Festive Shirts and Accessories

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Hello friends! Hello October!

How was your weekend? We’ve officially made it to “spooky: month and I’m adding in my Halloween decorations to my fall decorations. I’m hopeful to have more children stop by to Trick or Treat this year in our new house and just might add to the minimal Halloween décor that I have. I’ve been feeling the itch but need to be in this new space with our previous Halloween decorations to get a feel for what works.

All that to be said, I am in the zone and enjoying the season as much as possible. The “BER” months go by too fast.

I rounded up some festive tops and accessories for you for both Halloween and fall/Thanksgiving on Amazon. I may round some up from other sites, but since Amazon is the easiest to shop and to add to a blog post I started with them. 😉Now, let’s take a look. 🎃 And make sure to pin this to Pinterest to save it for later!

AMAZON Halloween






I’ve always like when I’m out and about and I see someone in festive attire or wearing festive jewelry. Even if what they’re wearing isn’t something I may wear, it makes me smile. And I appreciate anything and anyone that can make me smile! We need more JOY in this world! Are there any festive shirts that you like to wear? I think they’re cute especially when paired with a cardigan, jean jacket, or utility jacket. Let me know below!


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