Halloween Costume Ideas for Pets

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Happy Monday Friends,

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Did you do anything Halloween related? I know there’s a lot of pumpkin patches and fall festivals happening right now and I am all about it!

As you’re reading this I am on a fall foliage road trip with a dear friend and I can assure you we are VERY excited for our itinerary and to escape the Houston heat.

I’ve been working through my list of things on my mind to share and one of them was about pet costumes.

Every year I dress up my pups and while they don’t necessarily love it, I get a lot of laughs and joy from the ten minutes of them wearing their costumes just long enough for photos. I used to also get them festive shirts for the various holidays but since it’s frequently warm here I’ve stopped doing that as much.

I’ve pulled up some photo examples to share with you as well as some ideas I have if you have multiple pets. I have even pulled out some costume photos of my precious pups, Romeo and Beckett, that are now in Heaven and man-oh-man, did it take me down memory lane of my babies. *Some of the photos of Romeo and Beckett were taken on a BLACKBERRY in 2008-2011 so they’re certainly not the best clarity, but I thought it would be fun to share them with you as they make me smile. 🤍

Make sure to pin this to Pinterest to save it for later!

I’m going to list these out but you can click on any of the links to be taken to the costume. 99% of them I found on Amazon. If you want higher quality costumes then I would suggest looking at Etsy. But, if you’re like me and know it’s a one time wear for a short time to get some smiles and some pics then it may not be worth the cost.

I love the idea of incorporating your pet’s costume into your family costumes as a group theme.

Now, here we go…

Pet costume ideas:

Do you ever dress your pets up for the holidays? What are your ideas for costumes this year? I think I may pull the trigger on an idea I considered last year that requires Loretta’s costume to be purchased on Etsy. It’s tricky finding a costume for her because of her years sticking up whereas Lorenzo and Luigi’s ears hang down. I’d love to hear your thoughts! Comment below. 🎃


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