How to Stay Cool During the Summer

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Hey y’all!

It’s been a hot summer, hasn’t it? Like, much hotter than normal. There have been mornings I’ve taken the pups out back in June around 7am and by the time we came back inside I was drenched with sweat. Well, it has only gotten worse. The heat and the humidity are something fierce.

As the summer has dragged on, I’ve acquired more and more items that have helped combat the heat. I am sure you’re thinking that this is a little too late as “summer is over” with the school year starting but let’s be real. The temperatures in Texas do not start cooling off until October and even then we may be pretty darn warm deep into the fall and winter months. These items can’t prevent or stop you from getting hot or overheated, but they can certainly help while you have to be outside.

Make sure to pin this for later as well!

Let’s take a look!

1) A cooling pad for my pups’ stroller. When they lay on it, it is supposed* to activate a cooling technology. I am not 100% sure how effective it is, but it is better than the blankets and towels we kept in there before. Plus it wipes clean easily.

2) Speaking of my pups - I also ordered this cooling vest for Lorenzo. He has more hair than the other two and overheats faster.

3) This portable air conditioner works surprisingly well. You fill the plastic containers with water (not fully to the top), freeze them, and then slide 1 to 3 of them inside the container. It has a rechargeable batter so it can be used on the go like we did in our pup’s stroller, or while plugged in. I ordered it for our 3rd floor room when we had guests stay here recently in case that room didn’t cool down enough. It has an option to humidify which we do not need nor use, and it has an option to use ambient lighting. So fancy. ;)

4) We also added these portable handheld fans that have bendable legs that can easily attach to things. It has a rechargeable battery. It’s safe to say we want to take all precautions possible when we take our crew in their buggy.

5) I use this personal portable hand held fan while running on the treadmill but also have been known to take it with me at times. It also has a re-chargeable battery and the handle can bend so it is easy to prop up on the table.

6) One of my newest additions is this portable neck fan. I admit it looks kind of goofy and I wouldn’t (be able to) go running with it on, but I have been using it when I take the pups outside. They like to linger in the sun and I try to let them get their vitamin D for a brief amount of time before they overheat. Meanwhile, I’m overheating anyway so this helps some. It doesn’t blow cool air, just air…but, it’s better than nothing.

7) ICE COLD EVERYTHING! One way to cool down is to eat or drink something cold. I realize this is an obvious fact, but it does help. Iced beverages. Popsicles. Ice cream. Frozen fruit.

  • You can buy ice trays and fill them with lemon or lime juice for your water; tea so it doesn’t water it down; coffee so it doesn’t water down iced coffee.

  • You can freeze fruit or buy frozen fruit and eat a few at a time or even add it to yogurt.

  • You can buy or make popsicles using store bought juice.

  • You can make snow cones.

Our new refrigerator won’t come in until January and currently we’re uncertain if the ice maker works (and also unwilling to give it a try). So even though the mini fridge in our master bedroom makes full ice cubes, I went ahead and purchased this counter size nugget ice maker. I’m listening to it hum right now as it’s making ice.

8) Keep a Norwex body cloth with you at all times! This thing is spectacular. It has a patented Bacloc technology microbial silver in the microfiber. This means that it not only removes bacteria and funk from your body, but it also self purifies when you par wash it and air dry it. So, you can wet the cloth to wipe off your face or body as needed on the go. Then rinse it and rub the cloth against itself while rinsing. Wring it out fully. Then hang it by it’s tag to air dry. You can do this several times between washing it.

It comes in regular size (think wash-cloth size) and in travel size (think cocktail napkin size).

9) Wear lite and breezy clothing. The less material the better! I’ve worn more shorts than normal. I’ve worn a lot of cropped tops with high waisted pull on pants. I’ve worn a ton of moisture wicking clothing. It is easier to stay cool this way! You can view a lot of my picks by clicking here or copy and pasting this:

I recently shared some details on my summer outfits in the last two “What’s Up Wednesday” posts if you care to peruse them!

On repeat: biking shorts, running shorts, skorts, capri leggings, pull on pants, and jean shorts!

10) Wear your hair UP! I have embraced the low bun again for the first time since my early twenties and I am all about it. I am not talented in styling hair so aside from wearing it down (which is not ideal right now), I am highly incapable of styling it in various pretty ways. That being said, I like to pin hairstyles and occasionally try them - only to have a Pinterest fail. My hair is very fine so it falls easily.

I suggest: buying plenty of hair ties, claw clips, headbands, and even a scrunchie if you’re into that. ;)

How have you all been staying cool this summer? Any tips you’d like to add? Comment below!

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