Let’s Look: Our Worst Habits

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Happy Wednesday, y’all.

I’ve been writing more blog posts to schedule further out in the past couple of days because I have been a little sick and thus not able to do my usual routine. Now, I’m sitting in the kitchen next to Loretta as she convalesces. She had surgery yesterday and I kept my calendar clear so I can just be present with my little girl. It is hard to see her in pain, but so far she’s handling it well with the pain medication.

All that to say - I am opting in to this link up post that I actually didn’t want to write originally. HA! Who wants to share their bad habits?? Shouldn’t that be something we hide and deny? I would have thought so. But, after reading a few others’ posts about it and smiling I thought why not. So here it goes…


  1. I like piping hot coffee and not a degree cooler. The trouble is, I’m a slow coffee drinker. I reheat my coffee anywhere from 2-5 times before I finish it. Yes, I do use an insulated tumbler when I leave the house or to take it upstairs with me so that helps the bad habit. I prefer to drink from a mug though and I used to have a candle warmer on my desk to place the mug on but the cord is too short to reach even the extension cord in my current office set up so I have opted for the travel tumbler as of late. Yes, I have considered the Ember mug (and knock off versions) but the reviews make me leery to invest in it specifically because I am the person who leaves coffee in it for long periods of time and thus would be the one to quickly ruin/erode the inside of it like the reviews say.

    *Note - you can get these candle warmers and the Ember mug in black if that is better suited for your office space.

    **Getting up to reheat my coffee again now.

2. I am the person who signs up for emails on sites to get a discount code…and frequently forgets to unsubscribe and I do get annoyed by so many emails. I also then search online for a discount code on sites like retailmenot.com. I am a bargain shopper, what can I say? I do have a setting in my emails to sort most shopping sites into am advertisement folder based on the brand’s name and also by key words like “sale” so they do not land in my inbox. That helps…

3. Screenshots and open browsers on my phone are a real problem with me. I am frequently on-the-go in some way or another and I’ll think to look something up, or select “open in separate browser” if it’s an advertisement that appeals to me on social media, or screenshot something to look up later when I can focus on it or sit at my computer. The problem is - I rarely circle back to them. Currently I have 25 browser pages open on my phone and 921 screenshots. I really need to go through these soon to clear it out! *However, open browser pages on my computer drive me almost as insane as having unread or pending emails in my inbox…my sister literally has at least 90 browser pages open on her computer and it gives me major anxiety!

4. I drink iced tea from a large tumbler during the day. This is usually my hydration while I exercise, etc. My bad habit is that I rarely finish it and then I put it back into the refrigerator for the next day. I have no doubt this drives my husband batty because my mom also does this with her water tumbler she keeps at our house. LOL! I should dump it out, clean the tumbler, and start fresh the next day but I don’t because I don’t want to waste my tea!

5. I do not answer the door. I get anxiety when I hear the doorbell ring. Getting a pop in is like getting a phone call. I am introverted and both make me nervous. I guess it’s the unknown of what the person wants. Thankfully with the Ring, the husband usually with talk with the person at the door before I have to deal with it. And if I can quickly enough, I’ll Google the phone number that’s calling before answering it.

*Just heated up my coffee again!

6. If I go to a store like Marshall’s or Target, I tend to put things in my cart as I peruse the store. But, then when I get to the check out I re-think everything and talk myself out of buying things. I will walk back to where I got them to put the items back, but then I may or may not buy anything at all. I also do this with my online shopping cart. I talk myself out of the order and just close the site.

7. I am an online shopper and therefore I order things without trying them on. I usually will end up with piles of returns because I talk myself out of the items either because of the fit or because I don’t really want to spend the money on it. It’s like saving money but getting the satisfaction of buying something in the first place…like retail therapy.

8. Tagging on to that topic I also will add things to my online cart just to get free shipping. Shame on me! Spend $5.95 on shipping or add another $34.50 to your cart for free shipping? ADDS TO CART FOR FREE SHIPPING.

I’m going to stop and wrap this up right there to heat up my coffee AGAIN. I am sure I have other bad habits, but these are what came to mind this morning for this “fun” little post.

What are some of your worst habits? Are there any you’d admit to? ;)

Wishing you all a wonderful day!