Amazon Lately - Dog Edition

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Hello friends,

How’s your week going so far?

We’ve been working on things around the house as usual and with that comes pet related things as well. I periodically have to sort through their toys to tuck some away for later when their baskets get too full or very sneakily throw some away when the toy has seen better days.

In keeping up with my babes I have quite a few dog-mom favorites that have been helpful to us or simply a luxury to have that I want to share. Some of these I’ve shared before and some of these are newer to us.

If you have a pet, make sure to pin this to Pinterest for later! If you don’t have a pet, please share this with someone who does AND go ahead and pin it to Pinterest for later when you just might end up with one.

1) 2-in-1 Pet Stroller and Trailer:

I have shared this stroller thing a dozen times I’m sure, but we just ordered a new stroller trailer because our original one from 2018 had finally worn out. We probably could have just replaced the tires, but the spokes were rusting and the handle foam worn off in spots, etc. The husband takes our pups on a “buggy” ride every day and they get SUPER excited when he asks them if they “want to go?”.

This is actually good for medium to larger dogs as well. All three of our pups ride in the stroller when we take them for walks and they LOVE it. The front has a plastic cover that you can zip to protect them from wind or rain, or keep it rolled up and only use the net cover on a nice day. The top zips and unzips as well so if it’s very sunny or rainy you can close the top. It easily converts from a stroller to a bike trailer as well! Our babes love it. It is light and easy to run with as well as to bike with. 🤍

2) Healthy Supplements for Joints:

Lorenzo has sensitive knees and Loretta is an older lady, so to help keep all of their joints supported we order these two supplements that we give to them. We add a pump of the omega oil to their breakfast every day, and I give them one joint supplement every other day with their lunch.

3) Belly Bands:

Our boys have continued to have territorial issues regardless of our potty training, frequency of taking them outside, and cleaning. It’s not about each other, it’s about marking over Loretta’s scent. So, because it is a losing battle and we have replaced all of the soiled things, I keep a large quantity of these washable belly bands readily available and wash a load of them every week or so. They are washable and reusable which is wonderful. They run very small for their size chart so after reading a ton of reviews I sized up one for both and that was the perfect size. SIZE UP! The new versions that we just ordered (to add to our supply) now include an attachable extender. There are different color combinations and they have washable diaper options for girl dogs as well.

For size reference - Lorenzo wears the medium and Luigi wears the small.

4) Anxiety Shirt and Pheromone Spray:

Lorenzo gets really bad anxiety when we have thunderstorms or fireworks. I ordered the Thundershirt in an x-small and it’s a little big on him. I also ordered the ThunderEase Calming Pheromone Spray. To be honest I didn’t notice much of a difference with either one, but as I had read in the reviews it seems to be either highly effective or it doesn’t work at all and it is all pet specific. In fact, someone told me at dinner the other day that the Thundershirt worked wonders for their pup. So…it’s something to consider and I guess just hope for the best. It comes in different sizes and color options.

5) Cooling Mat and Cooling Vest:

It is hot hot hot in Houston and I added this cooling mat to their buggy. It is supposed to activate and cool with their weight. I also tried this cooling vest for Lorenzo as he has a lot more hair than the other two. Ultimately, I think the cooling vest may work but it also gets him wet - which is supposed to be how it works by evaporating the water. He wears an XS and it has a little extra room in it still.

6) Electric Heating Pads and Beds for Winter:

We originally got these for our kitty, Prince (RIP), but the pups gravitated towards it so we ordered a larger one for their crate. Our kitty stayed on this heating pad all day and night! I wish I had ordered it sooner. We added the heated bed into their large corral and they all loved it. The warmest setting is still very, very light in heat so it is specifically created for pets and not humans. There are options to set it to stay on or to turn off after so many hours. This was nice at night when we’d turn it on in Loretta’s corral.

7) Fluffy Mats and Beds:

Loretta loves to lay on anything soft and she also like to perch on top of the couches. We’ve acquired many a pet bed or couch protector or throw because of this. These have been big hits with her!

8) Wicker Bicycle Basket for Dogs and Cats:

I used this wicker bike basket for Lorenzo before we had Loretta and Luigi and even now when we go on a bike ride I put Lorenzo in the front and the other two in the back. He is secured and feels close to me while he LOVES the wind in his face. It has a detachable cover that can help block the sunlight.

wicker pet bike basket.jpg

9) Adjustable Pet Carrier:

This adjustable pet carrier was my favorite thing to use when Lorenzo was little and I’d take him shopping with me or to the vet in this. He never complained and just sat comfortably while I loved on his little tootsies. As he grew I had to order the medium sized one. I have also used it with Luigi.

10) Pet Stairs:

We have these extra large foldable steps for our bed that is higher, these 3 tier high density stairs for our couch downstairs, and these step comfort stairs in X-Small for our couch upstairs. There’s different size and color options for each one.

11) Pet Playpen (large) and Pet Playpen (small):

Large: This large playpen has been a lifesaver. It’s about 5 feet in diameter when you use every panel, but you can choose how many panels to use for the size and shape that you want the playpen to be. The connecting rods slide in and out easily so it’s fast and easy to set up or move. We chose to get this larger one to give the babes plenty of space while we’re away but also needed it tall enough that Luigi couldn’t bounce right over it (the boy can jump!). Ours is white.

Small: This 4 panel playpen is what we use for Loretta to sleep in at night in our room. She’s a grumpy sleeper and does not like movement at night so it has made her happier to sleep in her own little space. She eagerly goes in there when she’s ready for bed. It is only 24” tall so it would not work for Luigi who can jump really high like a kangaroo. ;)

12) Car Seat:

This car seat has been a life saver. It gives the pups height to see out of the window. I can strap the car seat to the vehicle seat. And I can attach their collar to the car seat. This is safer for them and for me as they like to try to crawl across to my lap.

13) Potty Time Help:

I purchased one of these diaper pails to help with the used waste bags. We keep it outside and it works great for potty time. Yes, it smells when you open the lid, but that’s to be expected given what it’s used for! The bag inside lets you cut it to a size needed and you tie a knot so it’s easy to cut it and remove it whenever you want to.

14) Fun & Frivolous Items:

I ordered these dog goggles (DOGGLES!) for the pups for when we’d get into our pool (two houses ago) along with life jackets. The boys had black goggle and Loretta had pink goggles. All three of them wore an XS in the life jackets.

After Loretta’s princess themed birthday pawty in 2022, we decided to keep her pearl necklace on instead of a collar. Once the original one wore out that came with her princess outfit, I ordered this pearl necklace in the “10-12 inch” to replace it and took off the ribbon. The boys like to wear their bowties because they’re gentlemen. =) It comes in different colors and theirs is “light blue” and both boys wear the XS.

I like to occasionally add a small spoon of almond butter and apple sauce to their lick mats as a treat instead of their usual rawhide free spiral things. This allows them to enjoy their treat longer.

When we had just one pup (Lorenzo), I used this easy fold stroller to take him shopping with me. We outgrew it when we rescued Luigi and Loretta so I eventually gave it away. I’m considering a new one that can carry 2-3, but haven’t convinced myself when I’d use it yet.

I’m going to stop there for now! I plan to share a separate post specifically regarding the cat items we purchased through the years that were helpful, a separate post with their birthday pawty themes, and potentially a post of their Halloween costumes. =) Stay tuned!


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