Taking Care of Myself

Happy Valentines' Day!  We're halfway through the week and I'm excited about that.  Lots of good things happening this weekend.  Lots of girl time, wine, talking, catching up, probably shedding a tear or two, rejoicing in friendship and fellowship, and laughter of course.  EEEEEK!  I am excited!

Meanwhile, today I am excited to celebrate Valentine's Day with the FH and reflect on just how different life was one year ago.  God is so good.

I'm linking up with Shay and Erika to share my monthly "How I...take care of myself".

How We Wednesday's.JPG

This seems rather intuitive for me as I am sure it does for you as well.  We all know what we individually need to take care of health, relaxation, fitness, and nutrition needs.  However, we are all susceptible to fall pray to stress, routine, bad habits, and comparison which can cause us to go to extremes to try to be like someone else (weight, beauty, etc).  UGH.  Your thoughts on that?  Do you agree?

So, here's some ways I take care of myself which may be helpful to you to try if you find your routine to be in a rut.

Working out:  This is important for everyone.  I'm sure you know that, too.  While there are all kinds of health recommendations as to how you should work out and how often, depending on age etc., I think the most important thing to remember is that we all need to work out.  Period.  If you haven't exercised in a while, that's OK.  Just start today.  Start with walking.  Get outside if you can.  If you can't walk outside then use a treadmill.  If you can't access a treadmill pace around your house.  Listen to a podcast, read a book, listen to music, or listen to silence.  You will feel better just by moving.  If you're already exercising then keep it up!  Mix it up, too.  Too much routine will become boring.  Either way, your body, mind, and health will thank you.  Just get moving.

Products: wireless bluetooth headphones & iPad for treadmill reading.

Quiet time:  It should be no surprise that I need this.  I schedule in "off" days each week so that I'm virtually undisturbed in the evenings to piddle around the house doing chores and catching up on to-do's, as well as simply being unsocial so my brain can rest.  

Products: a planner for scheduling

Eat healthy, snack healthy:  I'm not perfect and I do splurge sometimes.  I like treats here and there.  But, ultimately you are what you eat.  If you eat bad, you feel bad.  If you feel bad, you won't want to do anything (work out).  If you don't work out, your health and fitness decline.  It's a vicious cycle.  You don't have to eat Paleo or Whole 30 or Keto to be "healthy" nor do you have to eat it 100% of the time.  Everyone's goals for nutrition are different.  Seek out what makes YOUR body feel good.  Great snacks for me: heart healthy nuts, some fruit like berries or an apple with pure almond butter, Paleo friendly nutrition bars like Good Cravings, RX Bar, Lara Bars, or Kind Bars (not Paleo friendly but only have 5 grams of sugar versus the Paleo bars that have a lot of sugar even though they're natural sugars from dates, figs, etc).

Products: nutrition bars

Read a book:  I personally go for self help books because they're informative and inspire me.  But, find something that intrigues and inspires you.  Reading works out your brain, helps maintain our ability spell (hello spellcheck), and increases your cognitive functions, memory, and imagination.  

Products: a handful of books off the top of my head, a more inclusive list can be found here.

Do good deeds:  Seems counter intuitive perhaps, but *all the feels* from doing something kind for someone else makes ME feel good.

No products, but you can find suggestions here.

Pampering & relaxation:  Finally.  I know, right?  Why did I list them in that order?  Its just what came to mind as I typed. ;)  I am a planner and love to schedule, so scheduling in to-do's (for my hair appointments, getting my nails done, putting on my self tanner or getting a spray tan, and my current faux lashes) do not phase me.  It can feel stressful when they fall behind but once I'm there and the appointment begins I feel a weight lifted.  It feels good to pamper myself as a treat but also the end results help me feel better, too.  

For relaxation, I am learning that I need to literally sit and be still.  I am learning how to sit and watch TV and not multi-task while cleaning, cooking, working out, and reading.  It's a goal to learn to veg out and just watch TV.  Seems silly perhaps, but it is a real struggle.  The times I have done it recently have felt so good.


What are some ways that you take care of yourself?  Do you have any helpful suggestions that might be good for us all to add into our methods?  Comment below!

