This is 38!!! ~ Ten Things You Didn't Know About Me

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Happy Monday, friends!

Today is my 38th birthday. It feels like yesterday I turned 30 but when I think of all of the years in between I feel like I’ve lived a dozen lifetimes since then. I typically just say I’m pushing 40 because it is right around the corner, but this is 38. It feels pretty good, to be honest.

I like to joke quite a bit about how my body has changed and slowed down since 30 and I make a point to acknowledge my auto-immune disease because it plays a large role in that, too. But, in all honesty I like who I am more and more each year and am learning to give myself a lot of grace as I age. I wish I had done that decades ago…#recoveringperfectionist

So, between today being my birthday and the fact that I recently celebrated my 4th year of blogging in September ~ I thought it would be appropriate to sort of re-introduce myself to any newcomers to my blog.

If you’re new(er) here, welcome and THANK YOU for joining! Please share the love and fun by sharing my blog with your friends. I write with a purpose, and that is to help others. Sometimes that may be trivial things like great sales, sometimes that may be important things like marriage advice, and sometimes that may just be to feel understood. We never know!

First of all you can read the basics about me and the my blog’s name by clicking here: About

Now on to the fun stuff…TEN random THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT ME (and definitely don’t need to know).

1. I’m the utmost definition of introvert and I have always struggled to tell time.

2. My first major in college was going to be English because I loved to write poetry, etc., but I didn’t want to teach.  I ultimately defaulted to business school and asked the counselor’s what the 2nd hardest major was to accounting and they told me finance.  That is how I ended up majoring in finance.  While I was good at it in school, I hated risking anyone’s money in real life and drifted away from it.

3. I studied Spanish for eight years. I was rather fluent at one point, in the Spanish Honor Society, and minored in it in college.  All these years later and I have forgotten a majority of the vocabulary and how to conjugate.  Oops!

4. I am either very disciplined with my eating or completely reckless (chips), careless (chocolate), and care-free (queso).  There is no in between.  I blame Covid-19 and my plethora of leggings for my reckless abandon this year, but recently I’ve been very disciplined again.

5. I won 1st place in the Junior High History Fair in 6th grade for a paper I wrote about how horrific the KKK is.

6. I made a newspaper debut when I was born! My mom on the operating table and my dad holding me.

7. I graduated high school a year early in the top 3% of my class - skipped most of my undergrad classes - and then made up for it in graduate school.

8. I LOVE to travel.  I love to explore new places, see how others live, learn new cultures, try new foods, walk or bike through cities. From the list I created and what I can remember…I have been to (some multiple times): 4 continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia), 20 Caribbean Islands (one is a South American country technically), 18 states in the US (not including TX), 9 cities in Mexico, 11 countries in Europe/Asia (Turkey), 14 or 15 cruises. If I ever have the opportunity to, I am eager to go. Darn Covid…

9.  I grew up in a flower shop that my parents owned for 20ish years. We spent time there after school and on weekends working/cleaning.

10.  I’ve been baptized twice!  When I was young (by my choice & desire) and again as an adult.

Now’s your turn to share! What are some fun facts about you that I wouldn’t know?

